
Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Getty Center – Marino Marini

Marino Marini - Angelo della citta
We first ran into the Italian sculptor Marino Marini (1901 -1980) in Venice where his (in)famous sculpture Angelo della Città greets the boats on the Grand Canal spread-eagle-style from the terrace of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Next we ran into him while living in Florence and we spent an afternoon at his museum in Piazza San Pancrazio. Recently, we saw Angelo della Città again at the Getty Center. According to a Getty acquisition list the full title of the work is: Angel of the Citadel-Horse and Rider-Town’s Guardian Angel, 1949-1950, Bronze, 172.7 x 167.6 x 94 cm, but that’s a mouthful. For more on Marini’s inspiration from Etruscan and Northern European sculpture for this composition see here.


  1. Is the sculpture at the Getty in LA different than the one at the Guggenheim museum in Venice?

  2. I think it is the same. We've also seen in a museum - can't remember where so I believe there are different casts of the work.


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