
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Johnny’s Burritos – Imperial Valley

A cup at Johnny's Burritos 

One half of Travelmarx grew up in the Imperial Valley and has fond memories of Johnny’s Burritos. So today on a swing through the valley we stopped there. For today’s lunch it was burritos, taquitos, tostadas, and menudo, a tripe (cow stomach) soup. Delicious (even for the ½ of Travelmarx who didn’t grow up in the valley.) You can join Johnny’s Facebook page here. There are two Johnny’s locations: Brawley and a second location in Imperial

Menudo at Johnny's Burritos - Imperial Valley

1 comment:

  1. oh my gaawd. that looks delicious! i hate ALL of travelmarx for posting this when i'm hungry.


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