
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

An Interview Kiss Off

I received this from a recruiter recently regarding an interview several weeks previous:
Apologies for not looping back with you sooner. Unfortunately we won't be moving forward at this time. We are resourcing the team a little differently and won't be hiring positions that would be a good fit for you until early next year.

I cannot decide whether to believe this or not. This was from a recruiter that I had to beg to get any information from so it feels lame. A day after the interview I wrote an email thanking the recruiter and the team that interviewed me. The recruiter responded immediately and said that they would make a decision in a day or so. Fast forward two weeks and still no word so I decide to send a polite note asking for status. I got an instant email reply that implied I would get a call that very afternoon. I waited but no call came in. Six days later and still nothing, so I sent another email saying that I now had another job offer and would like to know where I stood. (The new offer was not a threat but true.) That’s when I received the statement above. Boy, nothing like setting expectations. I’m okay to not be qualified for a position, but I would like to know where I stand so I can move on. This was also from a recruiter who waxed glowingly that in the company I was interviewing for (and that the recruiter works for), how you do something is just important as why. Oh, I see now.

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