
Monday, February 23, 2009

Tiramisù a la Oscar


A dessert request for an Oscar night party resulted in Tiramisù a la Oscar. Okay, it was just a standard tiramisù with an Oscar statuette motif on top. But, it was marvelous along with a banana pudding another guest brought. Speaking of sweet Italian dishes, some of the partygoers asked: “Who is that Italian drag queen presenting the Oscar for best leading actress”? Uh, that’s Sophia Loren thank you very much. The dismal ballot/score sheet below documents the fact that I scored just a bit higher than randomly guessing. Not so bad considering I haven’t seen any of the movies.

Oscar Ballot

1 comment:

  1. Tiramisucks. Yuck. I hate that dessert. and yes, i really do "hate" it. (not just dislike it.)


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