
Monday, September 8, 2008

Look Mommy, There’s a House in the Street!

House Coming Down 43rd - House moving in Fremont, Seattle House Coming Down Fremont Avenue - House moving in Fremont, Seattle 

The house move started early Sunday morning and lasted to mid morning Sunday. There were challenges along the way, but crews worked to solve problems and get it moved. Interesting to me were the crowds that gathered, cheering successes and fretting setbacks. Kind of like the snowstorm-effect where everyone comes out and talks. 

It was a relief to see the house backed into its final resting spot. The shots here were taken as it came down 43rd and then Fremont Avenue. The night shot is at 3:30am trying to come up Phinney. Inspiration for this blog entry: Pink Floyd's Goodbye Blue Sky - the child in the beginning of the song says "look mummy, there's an airplane in the sky". 

House Coming Up Phinney at 3:30am - Fremont, Seattle

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