
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lake Ann Hike

Lower Curtis Glacier Seen from Lake Ann
Lake Ann

We hiked about 9.5 miles rountrip to the Lower Curtis glacier via Lake Ann. We originally thought about just stopping at Lake Ann, but the 1/2 mile or so to the glacier (near it, not on it mind you) was worth it. We started at 11:30am and came back at 6:00 pm. We weren’t racing, but we weren’t going slow either. We started at the Lake Ann trail head on route 542 just before you come to the Heather Meadow Visitor Center. This a popular hike, but worth if for the views of Mount Baker (10,778 ft) and Mount Shuksan (9,127 ft). It’s not a straight up and straight down type of hike. You start by going down, then up to a saddle and then down to Lake Ann. If you continue on to the glacier you climb a bit more. For details about this hike, see the Lake Ann Trail #600 description.

The definite highlight for us was going past Lake Ann up to the Lower Curtis Glacier. The glacier is getting smaller and is in a disequilibrium which means it will probably disappear. It is likely responding to the climate of the last 30 years. Many of the North Cascade glaciers are in trouble.Lower Curtis

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