
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Prompt if device unused for…

What did I expect? A new device running a Windows OS (on Samsung BlackJack II -previous post) and with a day or so I need to tweak the registry. To tweak the registry I used CeRegEdit. Why? Because I connected to an Exchange Server in the sky and it squirted some security policy changes down to my phone so that it would not let me select “Prompt if device unused for” checkbox. This meant I had to enter a complicated password every time I unlocked. I’m fine as long as I was talking to Exchange, but after I discontinued that partnership/connection I should at least have the phone go back to the way it was. But no. I followed the advice in this post and it worked great. Basically, connect to the registry of the device and change the HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/00001023 to 1. Ironically, I think having a password is good, just that I want the flexibility to determine when I want it.

The password settings in Windows Mobile located under Start\Settings\Security\Device Lock.


  1. Thank you! I was looking for just this solution.

  2. This article was spot on... unshackling a WinMobile device from these security provisions which is typically forced when establishing an Exchange partnership should not be so difficult. Thanks!


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