
Monday, June 30, 2008

Bandera Mountain Hike

Bear Grass in Bloom

We were flipping through one of the many book in the Washington’s hikes series, 100 Hikes in Washington’s Alpine Lakes and decided to try Bandera Mountain (location). For us, on this particular day it was a so-so hike. 

On the positive side:

  • The hike was a good bit of exercise, especially the last grueling push to the ridge.
  • It was great to see bear grass in bloom (never had).
  • We saw a bear (not sure what kind) about 40 feet from us up in a tree ripping bark off.
  • The hike is fairly easy to get to (exit 45 off of I-90). 

On the negative side

  • It was fairly hot on our chosen day, about 85 F and in parts of the trail there wasn't much cover.
  • It was a bit hazy so views were not that great.
  • Parts of the trail were blocked by snow toward the top.
  • The ever-present roar of I-90 is a bit of a detractor. 
We would have dropped down into Mason Lake but it was still “snowed” in it seemed looking down on it. We hiked nearby Granite Mountain in the past and that one seems like a nicer overall experience. Perhaps, Bandera on cooler, fall day might be more interesting?

View From Bandera Ridge Looking West

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