
Friday, May 23, 2008

Santa Rita de Cascia at Santo Spirito

Santo Spirito Main Aisle Santo Spirito Looking Outside Main Door to Piazza
Santo Spirito Cloister of the Dead Santo Spirito Cloister of the Dead
Santo Spirito Domes
Today was a festival for Santa Rita de Cascia at Santo Spirito. Santa Rita (1381 – 1457) is an important saint for the Augustinians. Her celebration date is the 22nd of May, the day she died. She is often represented holding a crown of thorns, holding roses and figs. In Santa Spirito the Cloister of the Dead (Chiostro dei Morti) was open (which is unusual) and you could go there and make a small donation and get roses so everyone was walking around with roses. Also, the big center doors of the church were thrown wide open, again unusual. I guess we’ve been here enough that we get excited when there is a small change in the state of affairs of one of our favorite churches.
Santa Rita

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