
Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Next Brunelleschi House?

Santo Spirito Mockup - A Church in Florence Brunelleschi House - An IdeaPazzi Chapel Dome - Florence

Recently I had a tour of the Old Sacristy designed by Filippo Brunelleschi (1377 - 1446) and started thinking of his designs. Also, I did a mockup of Santo Spirito with the hopes of trying to learn something about the proportions. I got to thinking, why not build a Brunelleschi house? Very simple design based around a courtyard that could be covered or not. If covered, maybe something like his Pazzi Chapel dome? Of course, the color scheme would be white and grey as is typical in these spaces. 

One of the square building blocks shown above, a side aisle bay, in Santo Spirito measures 11 braccia on a side which is about 6.42 meteres or 21 feet. All other measurements in the church are related to this basic measurement. (The graphics were created in PowerPoint.)

1 comment:

  1. ya, after building a VicMansion, I had the idea of a courtyard french country type manner...sort of sad i didn't think of it earlier! if you build it, i will come. probably a good reason NOT to build it!


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