
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Come to My Garden Mr. Glass

I haven’t said anything about music for a while. Of course I’m still listening to music. I can’t go a day without it. I know I should be listening to Italian music more - given that I'm living in Italy, but I haven’t. Instead I’ve been listening to way too much Minnie Riperton and Philip Glass.

Come to My Garden Front Cover - Minnie RipertonCome to My Garden Inside Image - Minnie Riperton 

I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved Minnie Riperton’s first album “Come to My Garden” – every song is like a secret pleasure. She had a cool, high voice before you-know-who. The album was released in one of those good years for music, 1969. Take a listen to the track titled Memory Band

For Philip Glass, I’ve been listening to everything I own (which isn’t much, hint, hint), but the “Fog of War” soundtrack (2003) is my favorite for studying and thinking. Take a listen to the track titled 100,000 People.

Fog of War Soundtrack Front Cover - Philip GlassFog of War Back Cover - Philip Glass


  1. ok, NOT into Minnie...something 'bout her is wrong. but like philip glass. would make a great song for yoga, first minutes of warm up...

  2. Hi,...good taste in music.
    I've got almost everything ever recorded by Glass (including vinyl)& what's the one piece I can't find in my very unorganized collection? You got it: "The Fog of War" (I do know where the DVD is, but I can't play that on the road, plus I have to actually listen to Rob't McNamera.)
    Now you remind me of how beautiful Phil's soundtrack is--I'll probably start tearing the house apart soon.
    I'm glad you discovered him, though--go for it!


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