
Friday, February 1, 2008

National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Jockey of Artemision
We had about 2 hours in the museum before it closed mid-afternoon. (In general, winter hours of many sites and museums seem to be 8:30 to 3:00 approximately. So getting up early is definitely useful.) You can take a taxi or the subway from the Acropolis to this museum. We walked and it took about 20 minutes.

The National Archaeological Museum has a lot to see. We could have easily spent 4 hours and not have seen it all. If you have lots of time, maybe go two days in a row for a couple of hours? The museum has something like 60 rooms. There is sort of a main route through the museum and then opportunities to take side routes. (Don’t forget there is an upstairs part.) Standouts are all the usual site items because they are incredible:

- The Poseidon of Cape Artemision
- The Antikythera Ephebe
- The Jockey of Artemision
- The controversial Mask of Agamemnon
- The fascinating Antikythera mechanism

It’s good to review your kouros from kore and your chitons from your himations before you go. Cameras with no flash were allowed.

Antikythera Ephebe (left) and Unknown Statue (right)

Diadumenos (left) and Unknown Statue (right)

Antikythera Mechanism (left) and Artemision Bronze (right)

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