
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Nafplion Restaurants

There is no shortage of restaurants in Nafplion. On the weekend, even in winter, the more popular ones can get quite busy as Athenians take a break from the city and relax in Nafplion – only a few hours’ drive away. In general, we didn’t have bad food, but we didn’t have really good food either. Okay, we are coming from Italy where there is lots of information about all types of restaurants and you can find guides that best fit your tastes. This was not the case here in Greece for us, at least during this trip. We didn't have much luck searching online and found that suggestions from our guidebooks (Rough, National Geographic, Eyewitness) were not that helpful. (Ed. this was 2008 after all!)

Omortho Taverna
Okay food and service which was annoyingly polite. Maybe we don’t fit the average tourist profile, but we don’t need English spoken all the time to us. Also, we are paying a lot of money for food and experience, so the wait staff can at least understand their role in this experience.

1986 Kakanapakis
An Italian-esque restaurant. Good service, nice plate presentations, good flavors, nice atmosphere.

Taverna Byzantio
Adequate Greek food – most typical dishes served. Not super-inspired. Singing on selected nights.

Taverna Chriso Vareli (link) This is a family-run, small restaurant in the “upper part” of town – up the hill from the port. The part of town near the water tends to have the more hip restaurants. This taverna was one of the friendlier places we had been. Again, a fairly standard menu. A funny thing is that this is the first place that actually had baklava on the menu (go figure) and I ordered it. They had to go down the street to get it at a pastry shop.

Taverna Vassilis Firfilionis (link) This restaurant was packed on Saturday night, but empty the next night. We probably liked this restaurant the best food-wise, but again service average. By the way, the only place I saw my favorite Greek dish, avgolemono soup, was at the airport when we were leaving Greece. Odd.

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