
Monday, December 24, 2007

Trattoria Ruggero

Bollito at Trattoria Ruggero in Florence. Pasta with truffle at Trattoria Ruggero, Florence Italy. 

The Trattoria Ruggero is just outside of the Porta Romana, heading south at Via Senese, 89/r. Saturday afternoon we walked all over the Bellsguardo hills and dropped out of them right onto Ruggero. This was our second time there and it’s becoming one of our favorite places to go. We had a late lunch of pasta and white truffle, tortellini in brodo, tongue, pork, white beans, and dolce. We were the last diners out and spent a few minutes talking to Anna the former owner. Her kids now run the place. The trattoria is named for her former (I think he passed on) husband. She was very nice and shared her recipe for salsa verde for the lingua (tongue). Hint, there is an ingredient in there you wouldn’t guess.

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