
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Synagogue of Florence

Its green dome is very distinctive but the Synagogue of Florence seems to be off the beaten tourist routes. No cameras or cell phones are allowed inside. And, the hours inside are a bit funky. There is a very small museum inside the synagogue on the 1st and 2nd floors. The 2nd floor part is open for the whole time the synagogue building is. But the 1st floor of the museum is open every other ½ hour, alternating with the inside of the synagogue. Confused? We were too until we figured out what was going on. You could see both parts of the museum in ½ hour and the inside of the synagogue in another ½ hour. We were able (in Italian) talk to the guide and learn a lot about the synagogue and the history of the Jewish (ebraico) community in Florence (about 1,000 today).

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