
Sunday, December 2, 2007

Santa Croce and Museo Dell’Opera

We were a little bummed to have to pay to get into San Croce since we did not have to pay years ago. However, I have to say it is worth the 5 euros. There is definitely a lot more to see (even when the leather shop is closed Sundays – which by the way can be visited from the back without having to pay to go into the church first). In particular, I don’t remember visiting the cloisters, the Pazzi chapel, or the Museo dell’Opera. The Museo dell’Opera is certainly new, only opened in 2006 on the 40th anniversary of the devastating 1966 flood. The museum is accessible from the first cloister and has many restored works damaged during the flood.


  1. I saw your pix. awesome. we went to santa croce too. is there a leather shop in the back of that chapel? i think that's where scott bought my wallet, that i still use today. great wallet. says "made in firenze" in it. kind of creepy to be around tombs, but neat, huh? also: who is cosimo and why was his wife there (in the other photos)...wish i could comment on the pix in zenfolio..

  2. Yes the leather shop is still there. But if you want to just go to the leather shop and not pay to go through the church you have to walk around the church and enter the leather shop from behind.

    I still have my wallet from that shop (circa 5-6 years ago) too. Cosimo I ('_Medici,_Grand_Duke_of_Tuscany) was a Medici and was duke of Florence between 1537 and 1574. His married Eleonora di Toledo (


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