
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pheasant Rent

We went to our property manager’s place to deliver the rent, look at some more apartment options and enjoy a glass of wine. It's on the way up to Fiesole so we took the #7 bus. He lives in a small part of a large palazzo (not his) with a wonderful situation in the hills. He showed us around the grounds, nice.

But somehow conversation always turns to food. We walked away with a pheasant (fagiano) that he had killed the day before. Although it's been gutted, we'll still have to pluck the feathers out. But not until it's spent a couple of more days in the fridge for the meat to ripen a bit.

Our gift was fun carrying back home on the bus in a little old plastic bag with its tail feathers sticking out. Don’t look a gift pheasant in the mouth.

(addition 01/02/08: It wasn't gutted after all. "Quick, search the internet for removing the insides of a pheasant!")

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