
Monday, November 26, 2007

Stone Flower (Sister of Stone Lemon)

I started another couple of weeks in Florentine mosaic class. My new capolavoro is a little more complicated – less of jigsaw puzzle for a 3 year old and more like one for a 5 year old. It’s a flower – not particularly realistic, more my own fantasy. So far I’m all thumbs trying to assemble the petals. In the photo you can see I’m trying to fit in the last petal. The flower will be surrounded by black, I hope. When the maestro complements the work he uses "bellina" or cute. But I want stunning!


  1. dude. the maestro has been doing this for, like, 30 years or something. you're like doing this for, like, 2 months or something. so "cute"= "A"!


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