
Saturday, October 13, 2007


Numbers to know:

112 – Carabinieri (Military Police. They have red stripes on their pants and have the most jokes told about them from what I was told and the number of books on the subject.)
113 – Polizia, Pubblica Emergenza (The State Police? They dress in blue and have funny hats. They deal with general crimes.)
114 – Emergenza Infanzia
115 – Vigili del Fuoco (Firefighters.)
116 – 24 hour line for tourists and foreigners with car trouble
117 – Guardia di Finanza (The Financial Police or fraud squad. They wear gray with yellow stripes on the pants.)
118 – Emergenza Sanitaria (Medical Emergency)

Today, 2023, just dial 112 - the single European emergency number.

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