
Thursday, October 4, 2007

Codice Fiscale

We went for the codice fiscale this afternoon. It wasn’t so bad. We went first to Agenzia Delle Entrate, Ufficio di Firenze 1 (via Nazionale) near Via Spartaco. We were behind a girl from Tuscany who lost hers and needed a replacement. The man at the information desk shushed us along and told us to follow her to Ufficio di Firenze 2 which was around the corner on Via Spartaco. Once in that office (2nd floor) the process was fairly straightforward. Grab a form (1 page), grab a ticket (what else did you expect!?), fill out the form and wait a few minutes. Watch the ticker board to see when you number gets called. You need your passport.

The lady who processed my form (which takes less than 5 minutes) asked me some questions – I don’t remember what she aske exactly, but I think something to the effect: was my name on the door where I lived and how long I was in Italy. (She had the biggest mole/wart I every saw in my life so I was rather preoccupied studying that.)

You get a receipt and a card should show up in the mail in a few weeks (what did you expect!?). The card doesn’t matter a whole lot because the receipt has the “code” which is a combination of letters from your name and birthdate. You need the codice fiscale to open an Italian bank account (at least in the bank where we asked, but I think this is the case in general). So far, we haven’t opened an account.

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