
Monday, August 6, 2007

Si Viaggare - Lucio Battisti

Lucio Battisti's "Si Viaggare" - a study in conditional tenses. The conditional tense is equivalent to "would" and is used with requests and doubts. It is also used in sentence using "if" clauses and with events or actions that may occur in the future.

We spent about an hour reading through the lyrics trying to understand them. I think the gist (sommario) of the song is there are bumps in the road of life, but keep moving and travelling (hence the title, viaggiare).

saprebbe - he/she/one would know
regolerebbe - ... would regulate/adjust
capirebbe - ... would know
pulirebbe -... would clean

What's an interesting video - circa 1977. Other interesting words from the song include:

un cacciavite - a screwdriver
le mani sporche d'olio - oily, dirty hands
picchieresti in testa - hits to the head?

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