
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Visa Application, Part 2

For part 2 of the Visas, we provided notarized letters that we left or would be leaving work and a notarized copy of a revised housing contract. We submitted all of the previous paperwork that was okayed. We also simplified some of the paperwork in that we removed redundant documentation like housing contract, transportation, financial means, and health insurance details. We also did not include the FBI background check.

We organized the packet into three folders. One folder for each of us and one for the common documents. We also included a brief cover letter recapping the instructions we were given and the three new documents included. We organized each of our folders again with the aim of making it simple for them to see everything, application on top and creative use of book darts pointing to key items in other documents. Each folder had a label identifying its contents. (Of course, the passports and payment were included.)

We included a self-addressed, USPS express envelope that had tracking capabilities. We mailed it on a Tuesday and we got confirmation the next day. With the return envelope tracking number we could check daily if the consulate had mailed it back yet.

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